And. I see the ways I have been and am being led into a vision far greater than I would have been able to conceive of just under 8 months (feels like 8 years) ago.
Literally not a single thing this year has gone according to the vision I cast.
How I haven’t lost touch with living my Dream… even though it hasn’t looked like I thought it would or like I wanted it to.
^^this is a big one.
This year has served its fair share of challenges. I have been shaken to my core in more ways than one.
And. I’ve never felt more steady. Or certain. Of who I Am & what I’m meant for.
I sit in awe and gratitude of Life’s magic and mysteries.
I sit in awe and gratitude for who I’ve become in my meeting of Life.
For what I’ve created.
For who I’ve called in.
For what we co-create.
For all that’s already on its way.
I sit with pride for how I experience even the most trying of times with love and grace and empowered choice. (A skill that has been hard earned this lifetime.)
And for how that is continually reflected back to me even when it seems like I’m not winning. (I’m always winning. Because that’s who I Be.)
I believe there’s a depth, wisdom, resilience within us that is only cultivated while navigating moments of challenge & struggle.
How we navigate these moments makes us.
When we try to transcend our lessons too quickly, over-exercise our power to choose, we miss the opportunity for alchemy beyond comprehension. The cellular Becoming that’s created in the tension of transformation that takes us deeper and higher than we could take ourself.
When we stay in the descent too long, we can lose the plot, forgetting how much power we have to choose and contribute to the happenings of our life.
There’s an art to walking the line of Becoming;
Balancing the duality of… life be real real sometimes… & it’s as real as we make it.
Being with what is while recognizing that we give what is meaning.
This is the art I’ve devoted my life to.
This is the message I keep feeling called to share with y’all as I’m living the transmission full on BTS.
Instagram post here