…and thanking my lucky stars for all the heartache and pain that molded me and made me the woman I am today and led me to this moment of so many Dreams Being Lived. So many seeds I planted so long ago and tended to through all seasons of Life (including some pretty cold dry barren ones)… Bloomed & Blooming.
Also thanking… me. For showing up with so much grit and drive and willingness and heArt through all the challenges and changes.
Choosing. Again and again. What I stand for. What I’m available for. What I’ll invest my most valuable resource—my energy—into. How I’ll use this one wild, precious life I have. And what I’ll leave behind. For my babies. My family and friends. My clients. And all humans I’ll ever cross pass with and impact, even if in the smallest of ways.
Always choosing to live as the solution instead of the problem.
Sharing, standing as a mirror of possibility… as the living embodiment of what I feel called to teach, lead, guide, facilitate others to.
Shared in an unbranded (or rather exactly on brand because raw real naked is ittttt over here) messy true to this season of my life way.
Instagram post here