A super sensitive, intuitive kid who grew up in a home where numbing feelings with substances and work until they came out so big and sideways that they were violent was the norm…
Showing me that:
1. My feelings were not welcome
2. Being a deep feeler is unsafe && feelings should be hidden underneath logic
I found solace in books when I was little. Whole worlds I could immerse in and feel but through the guise of thinking.
And then at 12, I discovered the self help & psychology aisle of a local bookstore and felt… home.
I studied and studied and studied the human experience. While living in a case study lol.
I channeled all of my drive and ambition into the healing arts.
While in college, dreaming of being a therapist, I had a lot of personal gripes with the ways of the therapeutic model and also with the systems we have in place to support people who are… feeling big feelings.
Therapy felt like… not it.
I felt a Call for bigger. Micro to Macro.
Decided I would go to law school instead and change the world! Through mental health advocacy and system reform!
And had my greatest emotional awakening in law school. While working in nonprofits and mental institutions and prisons… witnessing the darkest shadows of our collective psyche…
And simultaneously working with the holistic trauma therapist who changed my life… witnessing the darkest shadows of my own psyche… transforming through energetics and somatics, breathwork and bodywork, body-based healing that integrated everything my mind spent a decade trying to wrap around.
Finally allowing the fullness of my depths and heights to come alive.
Through my ability to feel.
Something that was still clearly unwelcome in courtrooms and boardrooms and all the places I thought I would be an agent for change in.
I quit my legal career just 6 months after graduating law school.
I didn’t know what was next… but I felt The Call.
And finally knew to trust my feelings.
I lept.
And here I am. 6 years later.
Leading a movement for deep feelers, big dreamers. To embody more aliveness and make massive impact in the world through your wisdom instead of your wounds.
Instagram post here