I felt his hurt and told him that I cared about him deeply and was willing to have an honest conversation about what was a No if he desired. We met for lunch and had one of the more uncomfortable, radically honest conversations I’ve had in my life. 🥵 I gave him my list of Nos, with Love. He thanked me for my honesty and heart. We parted ways. And he made it his life’s mission to prove me wrong on every item on my list. 🤣 Quietly at first. Releasing me to have my own process as he did.
The way he showed up and worked on himself and took to heart some feedback that would crush most men’s ego… was the biggest turn on of my life.
It was enough to alchemize a very convicted woman’s clear No into the easiest Forever Yes of my life. (If you heard the speech he gave me when I officially surrendered to his love. 🤤)
The fires of radical honesty *delivered and met in Love* burnt through the human wounding that would have kept us from going on the most magical soul ride.
Our 3 year anniversary is this weekend. In those 3 years we have healed profound relational trauma and have stepped into a Life neither of us could have created on our own… through Love. #thepowerofpolarity
We have ushered 3 new lives onto the planet by the power of Love.
We’ve navigated the most difficult year that could tear any couple apart, United, in devotion to Love.
We continue to show up and grow together in and As Love every single day.
The devotion and discipline this man demonstrates. To our family first. And his career a close second.
No. Matter. What. Happens.
Is that of my wildest dreams.
It’s no fairy tale. It’s real. We trigger each other and call each other forward. We argue like siblings then laugh at the absurdity. We continue to learn how to be better to and for each other. By Choice. And we laugh harder together every single day than I’ve laughed my entire life.
All In The Name Of Love.
You. Us. Is what I am most proud of in this lifetime @patrick.avalon
Thank you for choosing me and standing for Us in the most extraordinary of ways. ❤️🔥
Instagram post here