…and still creatively choose the meaning you make, the life you live. Your mastery lives in your ability to feel the heartache of the world… and still live as the embodiment of love. To keep your heart open where it would be easier to close. To act as love would. Your creativity lives in your willingness to choose to feel the magic and beauty and possibilities of life every single day.
I’ve fallen on my knees, begging for anyone (but me lol) to come and save me from the pain.
I’ve been swept up in ecstasy, worried that I was manic and would need to be rescued from my own highs.
I’ve white knuckled my way through the waves of emotion… desperate to feel anything but whatever was present… psychoanalyzing my feelings and thoughts into a spiral of self (societally conditioned) inflicted dis-ease.
But somehow still always remaining open and curious about what more there is to learn from my experience of Being human.
With each descent and rise, discovering another threshold, a new edge of feeling tone that I learned I could not only survive but alchemize…
Growing stronger, deeper, wiser, wider with each tidal wave of what I thought was me.
Discovering more of who I really Am as I meet more of Life through my willingness to really see, feel, experience it.
Almost all of my work with clients over the years has circled around this.
Coming into more relay with feeling…
The lows and the highs and everything in between…
Expanding capacity to see, feel.
And getting creative with meaning making…
Sharpening intentionality, choice.
Particularly when circumstances press against their beliefs of what is possible for a person like them in a moment like this, no matter how successful they already are. (Oh the limitations of unconsciously constructed identities. 😉)
Even with my business clients in conversations of metrics and money, feelings and beliefs are at the core of true transformation. Very rarely is the real issue simply strategic. Even when strategy is a big part of the issue. (Who is the one choosing and implementing said strategy?)
If business were as simple as 1+1=2 there would be a lot less people struggling to make a buck. They’d just plug and play the equations that are readily available for free on the internet and break into the millions.
But we know how rarely that actually happens.
The real strategy is… creativity, mastery, liberation.
In life, love, motherhood, creative business, and beyond. 💎
Instagram post here