Move with Conviction, Confidence & Courage &&& Clarity will be revealed.
When clarity comes before movement, most often you’re following someone else’s path.
You’re looking to make sense of something… a nudge you feel to move… that can only truly be made sense of in hindsight, with more data.
You’re looking for *proof* the impulse to move will work before you’re willing to try it on for size.
Because you don’t really trust… you.
Your sight. Your intuition. Your wisdom. Your internal gps. That’s feeling the pull towards a movement.
It feels like a risk to just … move … when/where/how you feel called.
Does it make sense? Am I DELULU?
But being DELULU is a key ingredient to conscious co-creation.
To designing a life & business that is your work of heArt…
That feels even better than it looks.
Because your soul designed it…
One action at a time…
Before your mind got a chance to make a mess of it &&& mess it all up 😉🫶🏻
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