I’m not looking to be holy or pure or renounce a life of lust and desire.
To the contrary.
I’m looking to live fully.
Lust on my lips, desire as my drive.
This is where I feel my connection to God.
As living prayer.
Being, creating, giving, receiving, experiencing the full range of being in physical form.
Where the profane is sacred
The mundane is magical
And humility can exist without playing small or shaming my Self for always wanting… More.
For me, for my family, for my community, for humanity.
We are souls in bodies because we are here to experience form as formlessness.
When & where did it become bad to enjoy the material pleasures of life?
Life got really good when I stopped trying to appear good and just let myself want what I want, be who I be, love what I love, and dream bigger than I thought a good girl should.
Clocking my shadowy shit along the way, laughing as I integrate it into more wholeness, allowing allowing allowing.
All Of Me.
All Of Life.
Instagram post here