Add entrepreneurship to the mix and you’ve got warrior status resilience building 🤌🏻 ((a personal share & some Qs to contemplate if you relate))
How centered, calm, grounded, loving, and kind can you stay…
While a two-year-old that you wait on hand and foot screams at the top of their lungs, because you’re not opening their banana fast enough…
After his newborn, twin siblings, kept you up all night…
Breast pumps squeezing your tits into a sag…
Your phone binging with notifications of the workday beginning…
Clients you’re holding space for on top of all the tiny humans you’re holding space for…
Team members who you pay for their livelihood too…
Creative work waiting to be fulfilled… somehow… with mommy brain & little sleep…
A stack of bills from the seven figure hospital stay sitting on your countertop…
Diapers to change, bottles to wash, groceries to buy…
Personal to do list growing to the size of Mt Everest… that garage full of shit that needs to be sorted driving you bonkers but falling lower and lower on the priority list…
All buzzing around your brain before the first sip of coffee has touched your lips.
Who do you choose to be in these moments?
How do you choose to respond externally when your internal reactivity meter is at a 10?
What do you choose to focus on?
What do you choose to make it mean, about you, and about your life?
Do you still love it all? When it asks you to bring everything you’ve got… plus some?
They say “you think you’re awakened, spend a weekend with your family”
I say “you think you’re awakened, raise babies and a business at the same time” 🍿
My mantras in this season
Pressure creates diamonds
Pressure creates diamonds
Pressure creates diamonds
This, too, shall pass
And I’m gonna miss it when it does
Living on love
Expanding in every contraction
Becoming The One Who…
Can hold & have It All 🫶🏻
Instagram post here