So they 🫰🏻don’t 🫰🏻 slow 🫰🏻 me 🫰🏻 down in the design of my dreams.
I’m an intelligent & self aware & somatically processed human. I know who I am, I’m in intimate relationship with my trauma and triggers and ego hang ups, and I move with heArt-centered, soul-led, laser-focused intentionality in all I Be, Do, and Have.
I’ve designed my life and business in congruence and integrity at such a level that anyone else’s perspective or opinion about who I Be or what I Do along the way is either an offering of refinement … or a distraction.
Which isn’t to say I think I don’t have blindspots and I’m not available for feedback.
I am incredibly available for feedback… from humans I respect and trust and feel have clear sight and healthy intentions.
I’ll go 10 layers deep on my blindspots & shadows && shortcomings with the *right for me* humans.
In fact – I LIIIVVVVE for *clear mirroring*. Especially when it burns, but in the name of love and growth. IYKYK.
Anything else… ricochets.
I frankly can’t be bothered.
I’ve got way bigger fish to fry.
And I know who the fuck I am. I don’t need to be “checked” lol. (We could use a lot less of this as a collective, no?)
I also know that anybody who is standing for anything is going to get a whole lot of… opinions… about it along the way.
Typically by people who have no clue who I am behind this screen, what it took for me to be this person, or what it takes for me to do the things I’ve done and am doing. The ones who do… aren’t the ones investing any energy in checking another human.
A conversation I had with a client today that feels allliiiiive & ripe for so many of y’all 💎
Instagram post here