if you’re stressed, depleted, drained, unhappy, lonely, misaligned as you generate them.
Hold some duality with me. I care, very, very, very much about you winning in all of the ways that you want to. I am fullllyyyy invested in you getting what you want. But like… what you really want. Looking at the whole puzzle, not just one piece.
I fundamentally believe you get to have it all, you get to design a life that becomes wilder than your wildest dreams (cliche but true), there is no limitation on what is “possible” for you if you are willing to be radically honest with yourself, show up fully, and take actions that are intentional, towards your dream.
And. So many people are saying that but qualifying their dreams by one dimension of life — by the money / metrics – while secretly dying inside bts. Adrenals fatigued. Heart broken. Pussy dry. Bored with their social life. But ego is feelin good CuZ mOnEy In da bAnK.
I’ve seen more people (truly good people) lose their center, their heart, their soul, in the pursuit of success, money (acting in really not great ways) then I can keep track of.
I’ve seen people bury themselves in the pursuit of material success to avoid feeling their feelings, dealing with their shit, or being real about how they feel about themselves and their life.
I’ve also seen people vigorously pursue personal development only TO GET. Like, I’ll grow if it makes me money. Da tuq?
When did ROl become more important than JOY?
How… boring.
I stand for growth for growth’s sake and I know with all of my body heart soul nothing meant for me will ever miss me if I walk this way.
I stand for true freedom, fulfillment, aliveness. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, financially. Holistically.
I stand for love that moves mountains and creates universes.
I stand for wealth, built on a foundation of well-being.
I stand for business that follows the pulse of your heartbeat.
Where art gets to meet commerce.
And you die looking back on life like… “What an epic ride LET’S GO AGAAAIN!!!” Not, I was stressed as shit the whole time but hey, I made a lot of money and people thought I was cool so l win. 🤣
When you get feedback that… the very thing you were worried made you bad at business lol… is why your fave multi 6-multi 7 fig entrepreneur clients hired you and stuck around for years of growth together. Thought I was already playing big but I still been hiding. Buckle up, we’re blasting off. 🚀🚀🚀
Instagram post here