One of my fave parts about him is how many wild lives he’s lived
He was an actor in NY in the 90s
He picked up dead bodies in Baltimore
Was COO of a medical center in LA
Taught yoga in Sedona
Found his way back to LA to pursue his heArt’s truest calling — music.
Found his way to me… we met at a plant medicine ceremony and developed a slow friendship for years before we lept into love…
Got married & started having babies when he was 48 years old.
He has been burning down his old way of doing business to shoot for another level of his dream at 50. Putting it all on the line for his highest calling after already established with a wife and 3 babies. A courage most won’t ever touch.
Last night as all our babies were sleeping (a miracle!) we were lying on the floor listening to a new song he’s writing and he was explaining the technical complexity in the sound I was hearing and how much work it takes to make such a sound seem light and effortless.
Like life! I proclaimed
When in mastery of something… it seems easy to onlookers, to the untrained eye
But what they don’t see is
The 10,000+ hrs of practice to nail the thing
The big leaps of faith towards your dream
The risk
The projections
The focus and drive and continual showing up day after day year after year
Come hell or high water
The falling on your face and getting back up again with even more conviction than before
He told me that when he was in the circus he could tell which acrobats were the best because the randos in the audience would proclaim “I could totally do that!” 🤣🙄
When they’ve made it look that easy, they’ve done their job
And only the people who are in the arena really get it
Surrounding yourself with people who get the game… changes the game.
(((I love building our dreams together @patrick.avalon … you are my favorite DELULU)))
Instagram post here