To stand for something you desire… to stand for something.
It’s always cRiNgE to judge, criticize, condemn, make fun of others who do.
When I started posting about wellness on the internet my best friend from college told me she was worried about how much attention I was seeking. Then I left my legal career end of 2017 to follow my heArt, started a podcast blending wellness + spirituality + trauma healing + activism—highlighting how true light workers are developed in the shadows—before it was cool &&& was met with much skepticism, eye rolls, concerns for my future, or the outright *who does she think she is to think/say such things*.
I’ve been called cringe many times over the years—to my face and behind my back 😉—and I’m actually proud of this. Because I know who I am and what I’m here for and I’ve been willing to stand for what’s true for me at every point of my evolution. I also know how scared and small most people think/feel and am not about to take that on thankyouverymuch.
The most cRiNgE thing I can think of is laying on your deathbed wishing you lived bigger loved deeper and gave way less fucks about what Sally Sue said about what you wrote on the internet that one time and let yourself look like a fool a time or two in the name of evolution and expansion and living in the seat of your power and responsibility as a conscious co-creator.
May we all be a little more cringe ✌🏻
Instagram post here