& also shows you why you have the results you currently have.
Most people say they will prioritize what really matters to them when they have more time or money… but they rarely actually do. Instead, they continue on looping in their current patterns… but at a larger scale if they acquire more time and money.
Because it isn’t actually about the amount of time or money you have access to. It’s about how you use the time & money you have access to. Mo money becomes mo problems… when you use it problematically.
You say you want deep love, but you invest all your time & money in your business.
You say you want a successful business, but you invest all your time & money on entertainment & material things.
You say you want to be healthier (physically or mentally) but you have every excuse under the sun as to why you don’t have time or money to invest into yourself.
For a moment – don’t try to rationalize or justify why you do this instead of that… or how you would do that if you had more time or money.
Let it sting and actually just get honest with yourself.
The choices you make with what you have now are the choices you’d make with more.
If you get off on the dream of romance but don’t want to put the work in or feel the vulnerable risk required to really open to love, just call it what it is.
If you romanticize entrepreneurship and aren’t willing to do what it takes to win (put everything on the line and eat shit along the way of building your dream lol) then be real about it and choose a career that suits what you’re willing to do.
If you like the idea of having a hot bod but you’d rather drink wine and eat out and not exercise – just fkn own it.
If you like to think of yourself as a “good” or “conscious” person but don’t want to really own the ways you aren’t so you can clear the unconscious Self Sabotage that’s keeping you from getting what you really want … you do you boo.
The multi-million dollar question to ask yourself If I were actually living in alignment with my values & desires – how would I be utilizing my time & money NOW?
Now go do that. Rinse & repeat until you’re embodied in a new reality.
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