There’s a difference between *learning* how to have an orgasm… then experiencing the pleasure of working towards having an orgasm, without the climax… then experiencing your first orgasm, through one kind of stimulation… and then…
Being able to experience many different orgasms, through many different stimuli, and coming into mastery of your pleasure – knowing what you like how you like it where you like it when you like it, while always open to being pleasantly surprised by more! This Is Embodiment.
A metaphor I’ve used with all clients and in all courses for 6 yrs now but have never said on socials aaaand that’s just a tragedy so here we are 💦🤣
This is the path of embodiment. From mind… to body… to repetition that refines depth/breadth/nuance of inner-standing… to mastery… to embodiment. 💎
Can’t fake it til you make it
Well… you can… but it’ll never feel the way you want it to feel and another human who is tapped in is going to feel the performance and be a nah for that so it won’t have the depths or expanse of power that you’d like it to if you’re being honest with yourself 🙃
Developing Mastery is the path towards Embodiment & embodied results in life love biz pleasure everything mmmkkkk love you
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