“I’m obsessed with my life & my work & the humans in my world and I GET PAID HOW MUCH FOR THIS?! Are you kidddddddinnnnggggg. (But also, le duh – I planned & built exactly this on purpose )”
Sell something you are actually experienced and embodied in… BE a living example of what you are selling. It still shocks me how much this is not a standard. How many people I’ve met who are creating courses/selling coaching about something they learned in another course last month… who are still secretly struggling with the thing they’re offering bts… and wondering why it isn’t taking off no matter what they do. HONEY WE FEEL YOU. While it is true that our pain is often the pathway to our purpose… if you’ve experienced half-results in the thing you are selling, you are selling half-results, and will get half results. Be honest about where you are now. Teach/lead from what you LIVE, not just what you think you know.
Stop judging what others are doing. If you don’t like what they are doing/saying, great. Now carry on. Like… it’s actually that simple. All the energy you are wasting looking at others and judging their shit could be put into… actually building something you believe in.
Pick a strategy and actually show up for it / stick to it. Be smart about what you pick. Pick the thing that is aligned with your values, beliefs, desires, lifestyle so that you actually go full force with it. I have worked with multi 6 – multi 7 fig entrepreneurs who all have different strategies. What they have in common is… theirs works for them. And they actually stick to it long enough for it to work.
If you hire a mentor to support your growth… 1. Choose a mentor who is a HUMAN you respect and who has already accomplished what you want to in a way you want to. 2. If you choose the right person for you – actually take their advice to heart and implement it. DO something with it.
Get out of your comfort zone. That is the only way to go from where you are to where you want to be. The more uncomfortable you are, the more growth is happening.
Play the long game. Take actions now that align with your long term goals/vision. Stop being impatient and entitled about your results. They will happen when you nail it. Depending on where you are at with your skillset, that might take time. You’re building something that is going to pay you for the rest of your life if you choose… in ways bigger than you can even imagine if you keep showing up… that’s worth a little temporary discomfort, no?
Show up with conviction and heArt. If you don’t believe in you, if you aren’t buying your own shit, why would anyone else?
Clock your unconscious shit along the way. Every time you’re blaming your results or lack of results on someone or something else… clean it up. Every time you’re judging/comparing/ competing in an unhealthy way… clean it up. Stay devoted to true Self Mastery (masterful relationship with your unconscious) and you’ll get where you want to go faster and with more Joy.
I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, taught thousands in courses, and have seen many many many others of all “levels” of success bts in masterminds & events etc… and… these are the common denominators of *embodied* success. Results that feel even better than they look.
Even when *what* they sell and *how* they sell it is different. Whether they have small followings or large. Low engagement or high.
This is the playbook. Get honest about where you’re at in each area. Improve. And get ready to blast off. You’re welcommmmme 💎
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