From a place of overflow of gifts to share rather than from a place of trying to prove or validate your worth, without ever once resenting or feeling trapped by your business or feeling burned out / having to burn it all to the ground because from day 1 you followed the rhythms of your regulated nervous system rather than your triggered/hypervigilent states and trusted your intuition even when it went against the grain of industry “norms” (which have now shifted and are trending in favor of what you’ve done the whole time lol) and was willing to look all your unconscious shit straight in the eye and continuously take responsibility for cleaning it up instead of projecting it all over everyone and everything including your results…
Phew. That run on sentence had me out of breath.
Just as in relationship you can only meet another as deeply as you have met you…
You can only take a business as far as you can take you.
Yes, you need smart strategy. Developed skillsets in marketing, operations, team mgmt, etc. A product/service that stands the test of time. (Really, this last piece should come first.)
But for true holistic success… the kind that’s built in congruence with your being… the kind that *gives* you energy instead of siphoning energy… the kind that adds to every dimension of your life, not just your bank account… the kind that spans decades, not just a cute year or two…
That requires consciousness. Self Mastery. Embodiment. Conviction. Courage. Power. Purpose. Joy.
^^^^ building wealth on a foundation of THAT?!
Building staying power & resilience on a foundation of THAT?! (Instead of just bearing down and getting through the hard seasons.)
Game Over. You win It All. Actually loving your life is the prize. Thank you, come again.
Instagram post here