And their full expression of aliveness in life, love, business, and wealth.
You know what it’s like to unconsciously go after goals… and lose your heArt & soul in the process. You’re done with that.
You also know what it’s like to focus so much on consciousness/personal growth/healing that you’ve pendulum swung the other way and lost connection with your ambition, drive, UMPH.
You’re ready to walk a new Way.
One where you see It All. But you see it *so that* you can make new choice, not so you have to go 20 more layers deep in embodiment practices before you’re ready to choose anew & do/have anew.
One where your sight fuels your ambition, where your heArt leads your dreams, where your relationships are deeply nourishing and fulfilling and give you overflow for your work, where your success is built from deep roots and expansive aliveness, where your wealth is built through your well-being & as a gift of well-being to the world, where your life is FULLY LIVED not just curated for da ‘Gram.
Welcome to my world. Where all of you is welcome-your unconscious patterns, programs, childlike tendencies, and shadowy shit… just as much as your power, your gifts, your vision, your abundance, your creativity and innovation and embodied wisdom.
All in the name of Choice.
Instagram post here