Or… might it be more productive to use those 20mins to actually do something that would shift your reality from scarcity to abundance (work on a money moving activity in your business for example).
I’ve been geeking out on the healing arts for 23 years. I’ve experienced just about every tool, practice, modality that exists. Maybe not. But sure feels like it. Must be close. 🤣 I am here 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 it 👏🏻 all. But one of the biggest things I’ve seen people who identify as conscious humans/healing junkies/healers/etc looooooping in for ages is… waiting to heal to “be ready” to DO SOMETHING about whatever they’re confronting.
This applies to everything but Scarcity ➡️ Abundance is an epic demonstrative. Because it’s completely energetic… and… completely material.
Of course you’ve experienced a lot of subconscious programming / actual conditioning around scarcity. Yes, there’s some big unconscious shifting to be had to get you from here to there.
And. The biggest unconscious shifts happen through action.
But how ya gonna shift the feeling of scarcity if you’re actually living in scarcity. If you can’t pay your bills but you’re just *ViSuALiZinG aBunDaNcE* … honey you’re gaslighting yourself. And not actually meeting the moment in a way that would allow your feelings to alchemize. (Ie, bypassing) AND. You’re not using the fear energy to create movement in another direction.
Scarcity = Scared City
Scarcity is just fear. That there isn’t enough, won’t be enough, you won’t have enough, you won’t be enough.
And fear is high charge energy.
What if instead of trying to get rid of the fear… dimming, dulling yourself down… you channeled it into something greater. You alchemized it into Havingness. By saying NO. I choose something different.
And then actually doing something different. For 6 months-a year minimum.
Rinse and repeat until you not only feel abundant, you actually have more material abundance in your life.
It’s actually this simple. If you let it be. And give it the repetition and time required to blow your mind and compound into quantum results.
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