Trying to prove that you matter, that you’re important, that you belong, etc… unconsciously looking to fill an internal void through something outside of you.
But that never actually works. And if it seems like it’s working… for a moment… it won’t last.
1 – You’ll burn out from doing the most, trying to prove, having no boundaries, etc. and resent the biz you once loved for draining you
2 – Your biz will have constant conflict or drama and will feel so heavy to hold it all together because your wounding is tied so closely to it that you aren’t able to stay smart, strategic, and grounded in leadership & growth decisions.
3 – You will lose sight of heArt and impact when your ego flares up and you’re busy trying to prove something instead of staying connected to what matters to you… and will find yourself wanting to burn down to rebuild or take a sabbatical to reconnect to your heArt/humans.
4 – And perhaps the most bitter pill, no wins will ever deeply satisfy and nourish you or feel like enough when you come from this space because… *something outside of you is never going to heal what is inside of you*. Only looking within will do that. (I mean, this is a duh, but also… entrepreneurs seem to forget this more than anyone.)
Your business can be one of the greatest mirrors to what personal work you need to do. But it’s not the vehicle to DO your personal work in.
Your personal work is… personal. And it’s important to be done so that it doesn’t get projected onto your business.
Which is a consciousness, entity, life force of its own.
That, when stewarded by a clear, conscious YOU… will be able to grow steady, sustainable, healthy, beyond your wildest dreams.
When you are conscious of and living in masterful relationship with your wounds (notice I didn’t say when they are all healed), business becomes easier. Cleaner. More grounded and sustainable. Life giving & money giving.
You will actually get what you want faster. But not from a place of trying to get get get get. From a place of, this is what I have to give. From my center. From overflow. From Love.
And that, my friend, is business driven by the heArt.
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