Raising babies & a business aren’t that different 💎
Becoming a mama is wild, exhausting, exhilarating, pure ~chaos magic~ in action. The ultimate mirror of how you show up to creation—in the lows/the challenges that rock you to your core, and in the highs/the utter timeless bliss.
So is birthing a business into the world… if your heArt is REALLY fkn in it… like, you give many passionate fucks, and also you know there is no Plan B for you this lifetime. This is a calling, not a hobby🪞
This can either be too stressful, too much, the reason you do everything else in life half present or not at all, the reason you can’t do what you *really* want to do, or if you do it won’t be as good as it *could have* been *if only…* cue comparing yourself to Sally Smith who absolutely must have it easier because she has more help than you or Jane Johnson because she doesn’t have kids at all! Or *whatever your perceived limitations are*.
Can be the reason you’re bitter and cranky and moody and victimized by all the ABUNDANCE AND OPPORTUNITY (yes I had to scream that) in your life
The chaos can fuel you—connecting you to the energies that create universes inside human bodies… you can decide that while the circumstances are certainly too much, so are you, so they’ve met their match… you can decide to let the exhaustion bring you to new depths, and the exhilaration bring you to new heights.
You can use It All to forge deeper roots and reach greater heights within your Self
Laughing, crying, screaming, Loving the ride even when you’re on a drop that has your stomach in your throat.
You can throw your hands up in the air, grateful for a Life Fully Lived
Let it make you Bigger, Bolder, More of who you know you’re meant to be
You can let it make you smaller. Collapse and contract under the weight and responsibility (ability to respond) and trying so hard to get it right while forgetting you can never actually get it wrong
It’s a lot. But so are you. And so is Life.
What a privilege to be alive and to be able to expand consciousness through my creativity — birthing movements and birthing humans and birthing entirely new realities through Choice. Every day. 🪞🪞🪞
Instagram post here