An Artist and Entrepreneur (on an embodiment level, not a job description level— there are musicians who embody more Entrepreneur than Artist and founders of big companies who embody more Artist than Entrepreneur) are Beings who share core traits and values but are archetypally oppositional.
Artists and Entrepreneurs are both creatives and visionaries. They must bring to life what they see, feel, know needs to exist in the world to feel fulfilled and on purpose and ALIVE. But they create in polarity.
An Artist is archetypally a sensitive, deep-feeling Being who experiences life in a unique way and feels called to share that way with others. They must create/express what is alive in them to create/express… for the sake of creation/expression itself. When their creation/expression gets manipulated by outside influences, it becomes diluted, distorted, and the Artist will feel dis-ease and discontent that no amount of external validation can cure.
Success for an Artist is measured by the internal edges they explore and express-regardless of how it is received by others. And, of course, having your art in its true form well received by others is the ultimate Artist Dream.
An Entrepreneur is archetypally an ambitious problem solver, solution provider, gap filler, seer of a better Way and creator of a good or service that is designed to support others into that Way. If the outside world doesn’t receive an Entrepreneur’s gifts, they will feel dis-ease and discontent that no internal validation can cure. So it is appropriate and necessary at times to adjust their creation based on outside influences (consumers/the marketplace).
Success for an Entrepreneur is measured by how the consumer / marketplace receives their creation. And, of course, feeling honestly expressed and seen and felt and known for what you create is the ultimate Entrepreneur Dream.
When you marry the embodiment of your inner Artist and Entrepreneur in business… when you’re able to approach your work as Art and as Commerce… when you nail expression that’s true and embodied that is also delivered and strategized to be received well by others…
You’ve discovered the highest potential of Being a creator & visionary, you’ve created a path for both inner and outer freedom, you’ve set course to live the ultimate Dream of building a holistically fulfilling and freedom giving business.
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