Every day you are choosing to become more aware of what you are thinking, feeling, believing, saying, and doing while assessing whether that is what you want for yourself, for your family, or as your contribution to humanity.
Every day you are either unconsciously embodying the patterns, paradigms, and limitations you inherited… or you are consciously embodying the limitless possibility of Creative Choice.
While there are always limitations in life (a yes to this is a no to that), you also always have limitless Creative Choice in what you say yes or no to. What thoughts, feelings, beliefs, words, actions you choose to continue to subscribe to or to unsubscribe and choose anew.
Embodiment isn’t a practice or modality. It isn’t something you do once and then you’re magically cured of your woes. Embodiment is a choice you make every single day. To notice and carve more choice out around what you feel, think, believe, say, and do. Who you truly Be. Sometimes a practice or modality helps you to access feelings you were patterned out of really feeling or to become aware of thoughts you didn’t even know that you were thinking. But true embodiment is in what you do with that access to new energy and information (consciousness). On a consistent, repetitive basis. Your life becomes the practice, You become the prayer. As you choose and choose again and choose again until… you are the living expression of your desires and dreams and you bring them from energy to form with more ease and flow, alignment and grace. 💎
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