No modality or practice I have encountered in now 23 years of immersive education & experience in the transformational/healing arts has transformed my life more intensely, intentionally, or rapidly as building my business has.
Because of how I approach business.
The path of building an embodied business (a business that is the living expression of who you are and is led from what *you’ve* actually lived; from the inside-out) is very different than the path of building a business from the outside-in (you see what someone else is doing and think “oh I can totally do that!!!” then start trying to figure out how they did it/what they did/unconsciously building off of someone else’s experience and model instead of looking to how to build *yourself* before even thinking about building the product you’re going to sell to others).
This is a subtle but profound difference.
Embodied business = who you be, what you’ve lived leads what you do, how you structure and strategize your work in the world. Other people’s ways support you in paving Your Way. You’re not quick to mimic others.
Embodied business = your business is a living expression of who you are, what you believe, how you feel, what you think, how you want to live, your values and desires prioritized because it’s your art, your impact in the world. You are The One.
Embodied business = bringing your unique gifts, visions, dreams into form as the ultimate living expression of your heArt desires and soul purpose.
If you do all the personal development and healing work but you don’t take aligned action / expressing your insides out in the world… you aren’t embodied.
If you make all the money but your internal well-being doesn’t feel like a match to your external wealth… you aren’t embodied.
Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heArt. It will call all of you forward.
As it does, you will be presented the most expansive opportunities to heal and grow and embody/create the reality you desire instead of the one you inherited.
IF you are willing to do the real work that is required to match your inner landscape and outer reality as you build. To embody what you sell & how you scale at every stage. 💎
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