There’s the game of business that requires you to sacrifice your well-being in pursuit of material success… and then there’s the game of business that deeply fulfills and frees you *while* you build material success. Embodied Business requires a deeper and wider skillset than good ole biz strategy. It requires you to build… in right relationship… with your Self. With your soul. With your integrity. With who you know you’re meant to be and what you know you’re meant to create in this world. Catching anywhere you are trying to be someone you’re not or hustle for something you don’t actually give a hoot about to impress strangers on the internet or prove your worthiness to the world. While feelings of fear and doubt and insecurity will arise at stages of your building process, if that is the *majority* of what you’re feeling … if you’re running over what you’re feeling to try to get something outside of you to make you feel a different way … you’ve lost the plot. While business has its challenges and hardships and won’t always feel like fun creative expression, there is actually a reality where *for the most part* it does. Where *for the most part* you feel alive and expressed and expanded and like your discomfort is a stretch of your comfort zone into new growth edges/capacity versus abandoning your heArt or selling your soul to win something nobody else could ever give you. In Being In Business I break down the play-by-play of how to build an embodied business. From identity work to vision to offer creation, marketing & sales, operations &&& beyond. It’s a whole other game of not only business, but life. See ya there 🪞
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