A man who is as deeply spiritual, wise, present, and tender as he is wildly ambitious and driven and big dreaming and willing to put in the work required to have and hold the life he knows he is meant for. One of my first mentors told me the most important decision you’ll make not only in life but for your career is your partner. I never understood this until I met Patrick. I wouldn’t have the business I have now if it weren’t for him. I wouldn’t be the mom I want to be either. The way he shows up and supports me and our whole family. How he sees me and hypes me up when I forget who I am and calls me on my shit when it needs to be called and is just willing to be eyeballs deep IN IT with me. Whatever it is. Build 2 businesses with clear conviction that they will support our desired life and not consume it? Let’s go. Raise 3 babies 2 & under? Like fkn champs. Bonding stronger through sleep deprivation and hospital stays and newborn twins + a wild 1 year old… things that break many couples. Add in some aging family members and transitioning towards multigenerational living? Why not. Supporting each other in eating well and working out and seeing our friends and still having lives of our own while also holding such big family energy and working early mornings and late nights on our businesses. Getting in our therapy and somatic healing and tantra practice and energy work and having honest difficult conversations just as often as we have wild expansive conversations about our dreams. Check and Mate.
You are my perfectly imperfect everything @patrick.avalon
The quality of your relationships IS the quality of your life.
The match that makes you more of you, that you make them more of them, that together you create a whole new life that is imperfectly and perfectly your masterpiece. A life that at your last breath you can look back on with pride and awe and a sense of completion. Because you gave It All your heArt. I have a sense that’s what really matters in the end. The love you gave. The love you felt. The love you LIVED. The courage you had to love and live and go for It All. 💎💎💎
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