The fun I’m having in the programs I’m creating. The soul alignment I feel with my clients. Exhilaration as I drop into deeper ownership & embodiment of Artist & CEO. Magic as I birth new offerings into the world. Expansion as I receive more money than ever before…
All sourced from me having more fun creating my life than ever before. The soul alignment I feel in my intimate relationships, in my community. Exhilaration as I more deeply own & embody my creativity & power in all areas of life. Magic as I’m on the eve of birthing new life into the world (swipe for belly BTS). Expansion as I receive more love & support than ever before.
Business always had to be like this for me.
Multidimensional. Holistic. A paradigm of success that includes both internal & external metrics. In that order.
Material co-creation/manifestation sourced from my heart’s desires, my Soul’s Truth & Bliss.
When I decided to go all in on this work 4+ years ago, I committed to building a business that matches the life I most desired to live.
I declared that I wouldn’t settle for anything less than a business that feels aligned, joyful, liberating to my unique Being.
Otherwise… what’s the point? Why build something that just becomes another cage?
And with that, I went all in.
Refusing to settle even as fear and doubt were loooud.
Remaining unwavering in my decision even when I had no proof it would work.
Creating certainty through my beliefs & choices.
Choices anchored to *who* I most desired to Be… trusting that would inevitably lead me to *where* I most desired to be.
Letting the wholeness of my Being lead me in business, rather than any illusory race to results.
Watching as my commitment to success in my life began to pour over into aligned success in my business.
What a wild ride it has been!
And… this is only the beginning.
I’m just around the corner from my son’s arrival…
And I’m just around the corner from my first million dollar year.
Mom & Millionaire Becoming, simultaneously.
My mind can’t yet grasp this.
And yet… I know there could be no other way. 🔮
Instagram post here