I believe the most creative act a Being can do is mold their perception; choose their experience of reality. A practice that we get to engage with every single day. If we choose to live as the co-creator, as the powerful creative Beings we truly are.
Our Life is our canvas. We are the artists. And we are the work of art. 😉
This belief is the foundation of everything I Be, Do, and Have in my life, and it is the foundation of everything I create and offer to the world. It’s the truest thing I know.
We all have so much more creative power than we realize.
I‘ve chosen to devote my life to standing as a mirror for that power. As a role model of what can happen when you radically take the reigns of your life and choose what you’re going to make of it. All of it.
Even the shittiest parts… which are the richest fertilizer for growth and abundance, when met with love and care and willingness to compost, compost, compost until the nutrients are digested and your garden blooms.
5.5 years ago I left my legal career and every familiarity and comfort I knew behind to move across the country and chase a dream that wasn’t even yet fully formed. It was still just a seed in the ground. I didn’t know what I was chasing. I just knew I had to answer The Call of my soul. I felt it in every fiber of my being. So I took a wild leap of faith.
I wrote a journal entry on the last morning I was getting ready to go to court. This journal entry became my guiding light in the design of the life and business I live now.
“I don’t know what’s next. I don’t know where I will live, who I will be, what I will do. But I do know this. Whatever it is, it will be a work of art. My entire life will become my masterpiece. MINE. Not my family’s. Not my peers’. Not my boss’s. Not my programming’s. I will stand for nothing less than Liberation. To choose my dream. To design my life. To serve others through beauty, joy, art. Which has to begin with me. I will live it. And give it. And so it is.”
And so it has become.
Beyond what I could have even imagined back then. 🥹🥹😭🥰💎🦋🐉
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