This is one of the questions I do my best to live into every single day.
This is one of my leading intentions, desires, guiding lights… in all areas of Life.
In my intimate relationships. In my career. When I’m speaking to the clerk checking me out at the grocery store.
Everywhere; in every moment that I am aware.
I asked myself this question when I was working in prisons and mental institutions and volunteering in hospice care — sitting with some of with the darkest, shadowiest corners of our collective psyche // on the step of death’s arrival.
I’ve asked myself this question when I’ve found myself in challenging moments in healing and spiritual communities where people were… saying one thing but embodying something very different.
I asked myself this question when I left my legal career behind and was figuring out my next career move.
I ask myself this question when I’m on the receiving end of some… wonky… interactions, online or IRL.
I ask myself this question when I feel so overwhelmed and helpless by the suffering on this planet that it feels… paralyzing.
I ask myself this question when I feel so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude and excitement and it feels… easier… to want to shrink myself around others who are hurting and upset by my well-being.
I ask myself this question in moments of heartbreak, loss, grief.
I ask myself this question in moments of joy, elation, bliss.
I just keep asking myself this question and *embodying the answer*… letting it evolve as I do.
Holding the duality of Life as it is on the planet right now.
While stepping into my vision of Life as I desire to impact it.
An invitation… if this frame feels alive and aligned for you too.
Instagram post here