The way I mother… was not modeled to me as a child. The way I relate to my husband… was not modeled to me. The deep connection I have with a community of friends who have become family… was not modeled to me. The way I do business… was not modeled me. Being a woman with her own aspirations and money… was not modeled to me. The way I spend my free time, the calm and peace and joy and ease that fills my home… was not modeled to me. The way I eat and move my body… was not modeled to me. The way I hold myself in a room… was not modeled to me. & so on.
Most choices I’ve made in life, love, business have felt like going against the grain of what I once held as “normal”.
Every dimension of who I am and how I live has been consciously chosen and intentionally designed. And it’s pretty fuckin epic.
I live and breath the work I teach because it not only saved my life, it created my life. And continues to.
I had dreams that seemed illogical, DELULU based on who I once was and what I had experienced (still do)…
And decided to go full Aries style after every single one. 🤣 (still am)
For every dream I’ve ever had, I don’t looked around to what’s possible or practical based on my current beliefs or circumstances.
I look around to role models living out of my box of perception. I study them. Learn from them. Adopt what feels like a yes to my soul and move accordingly.
I started doing this as a teenager. Long before I knew coaching or mentorship was a thing. Long before this industry became what it is. And have rapidly evolved every few years of life since.
It’s a way of life that has changed (and continues to change)… everything.
And made finding coaching/mentorship the most authentic aligned true-to-my-soul path I could walk. Even as I had to work through many of my own judgments and limitations around it. 😉
I’ve preached self mastery/embodiment since I came onto the scene in 2018… and I’ll preach it til I am no longer in this body, face, name.
This is the hill I’ll die on.
The one where…
Anything is possible.
If you have the vision to believe it and the willingness to Become it.
Instagram post here