Or do you let it humble, soften, deepen, widen, and purify you… strengthening your conviction and certainty to stand boldly behind your work.
*Starting* a business driven by heArt is the easy part.
Leading from heArt when it looks like your work isn’t working, even as you put everything you have into it, blood sweat tears… when your mind tells you that copy and pasting someone else’s Way that you know gets results but feels bleehhh seems way easier than continuing to put your heArt on the line, risking failure/rejection.
Continuing to lead your business from heArt when it starts to takeoff and other people begin questioning, challenging, misinterpreting your heArt… when people who once said they loved you and what you stand for/share, no longer do once you become “unrelatable” to where they’re at, to the problems they’re entertaining, to the level of success they’re able to comprehend…
That shit is hard. But that’s also where it matters the most. And where the most personal & financial growth happens.
Instagram post here