…Has them locked out of being who they want to be & doing/having what they want in life IS seeing & speaking to people in their power. Powerful people can… and WANT to… hear it all. They are solid in Self. They can discern through information intelligently and intuitively. They don’t need to have their feelings tip-toed around or be “protected” from their shame. They are resilient enough to feel shame without taking it on as truth, and wise enough to know when they feel shame because they are being shamed versus when they feel shame from a lifetime of conditioning.
Shame flourishes in secrecy. Shame thrives when we don’t have honest conversations about the things we feel shame about. Shame doesn’t go away when you avoid speaking about things that “are shamey”… to the contrary… it grows bigger, hidden in the shadows, with it’s roots tangled up in your psyche.
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