One of my clients made $870k in her business the year before she came to me, unhappy, overwhelmed, and afraid that all the money would all go away and she wouldn’t know how to get it back. She said she never felt as fearful around money as she did now. She thought it was because she identified as someone who isn’t good with money and had limiting beliefs about and trauma around money she needed to heal. But when we started digging under the hood there was a deeper issue.
She made that $870k in a way that felt terrible to her. Her relationship was suffering. She felt like she wasn’t present for her kids in the ways she wanted to be. She was following someone else’s “How” of doing business… and had moved so fast in blindly building her business off of *their* strategy and structures that she didn’t pause to tune in with herself and ask herself why that way or if that way was The Way for where she was at in her life. The person she learned from and emulated has no partner and no kids and both lives and works in a very different way than my client wants to. She had never even considered this in her equation of hiring that person. All she saw was the money.
She was “coachable” and implemented what she learned *without using discernment about whether that was a fit for her or considering whether there was a way she could refine the advice to be a fit for her* and she started making money… fast.
And. The more she made, the more anxious and unsafe around making money she started to feel.
But it wasn’t because of limiting beliefs or trauma. It was because she built her business based on someone else’s values & vision that didn’t match hers… she focused on someone else’s way of doing business instead of developing her own way of doing business.
After making all that money, she actually trusted herself *less* to make money.
Until I introduced her to embodied business. And supported her in reviewing & redefining everything. In taking her power back and choosing the ways *she* wanted to do business, create cash. In taking her time back to give to her family. While she continued to show up and scale her business… her way. Building Self Trust and her bank acct. 💎
Instagram post here