I quality my ideal client by how grounded and emotionally intelligent and committed she is to the truth of her heArt.
Want the results, care abour them, believe in them with all your heArt, show up with all you’ve got to work for them.
Building a business from the ambitions of my heArt, the callings of my soul; that feels like freedom and purpose and creativity.
Or… might it be more productive to use those 20 mins to actually do something that would shift your reality from scarcity to abundance.
You say you’re a heart-led leader… but you lose all compassion and empathy for another human when…
Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening. -Bryanna Dee
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Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening. -Bryanna Dee
the latest on the 'gram