It depends on what you are already aligned with in your life… and what you are choosing to align to…
Choosing to a-lign your Self to…
To get in line with…
Your soul’s desires…
Your higher calling…
A vision of your future…
That takes you beyond who you have been conditioned to be… what you have been conditioned to do… what you think you already know…
Will require you to act outside of your comfort zone.
As you take new action…
Every story you have been sold about how you can’t, you shouldn’t, you couldn’t will surface…
Nervous system hijacked…
Felt Unsafety Triggered…
Patterns revealed…
As you ssttrrrettttch your Self into a new alignment of BEing, believing, doing.
Sometimes alignment feels like death.
This is exactly right.
Dying to the old so you can create the new.
New… love, $, career, experiences…
Whatever it is that’s calling you forward…
Requires new choice.
Aligned Action.
Because… Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.
This is Evolution.
This is Becoming.
This is Mastery.
Instagram post here