The man whose tender, Cancerian heart has loved this wild fiery Aries into submission.
You’ve taught me the strength of softness, the power of patience, the cure of kindness.
I‘ve never felt so seen, so known, so loved… in allllllll of my Being. Whether I come to you as a fire breathing dragon, a giggling little kid, a purring kitten, a scheming sneak… whether I show up with generous compassion or guns ablazin… you meet me with devotion. Acceptance. Witness. Love. Artistry.
An experience I’ve longed for my entire life, but began to wonder if it really did exist until you came along… until we came together.
Your love has rewritten my definition of love, and in many ways, my interpretation of life.
Your love has initiated alchemy of the highest order in my Being. Divine Healing. Divinity itself.
My King.
Our path together has been far from easy. It has been real. Forged with its own challenges, conflicts, fights… absolute wtf moments for us both.
But my knowing that this is correct, of my commitment to you… Easy. Undeniable. My knowing and trusting of your Yes for me… Unshakable.
And the way we show up for it all… an imperfect, flawed, but united front… facing our individual and combined wounding, limitations, programs, fears together… balanced with bliss, expansion, creation, adventure, more laughter than I’ve ever shared with another human…
Shadow and Light, held in full spectrum Love.
King and Queen, on the ground slaying dragons while building our vision of an idyllic kingdom, side-by-side. With our loyal fur subjects 😋 and our little prince on his way. ðŸ˜
I’m so proud of who we are together.
Thank you @patrick.avalon
Thank you God
May we all know love, may we all Be love, may we all believe in the healing power that is love.
Instagram post here