No achievements have come close to generating the feeling of abundance that the relationships in my life generate.
True intimacy is the most powerful… deeply healing and expansively inspiring… human experience I know of.
Also the most challenging at times.
It requires much Self discovery, confrontation, willingness, commitment, authenticity. (Becoming intimate with Self first… you can’t give what you don’t first have.)
Sometimes challenging everything you think you know, everything you think you are… all in the name of Love. Our true nature.
Showing up again and again and again, in communion with God through another Being.
And in that showing up, endless opportunities to Become… all you truly are. Beyond the conditions, patterns, limitations, stories, programs that you think are you.
All of the work I do with clients, every single offering I create is built on this foundation of wealthy intimacy first. With Self, Other, Life.
This is the true work of our lifetime, in my perspective.
Feeling infinitely grateful these days for all the humans who have met me in the depths and expanse of Love… for all the little moments behind the scenes that really fuel all the showing up here & elsewhere.
Y’all make me a truly wealthy woman. 🙏🏻💎🪞
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