We’ve been living in the newborn bubble this week…
Soaking up every tender, precious, sleepy moment…
In awe of the mystery & magic of Being Human…
Pouring over with gratitude for this here and now moment we are sharing together… all it took on the journey to getting here, now…
Overwhelmed with excitement, hopes, dreams for all the heres & nows to come…
Living fully in the liminal space… meeting our Selves at the threshold of so many unknowns… for me, my husband, our son…
Acutely aware of how precious, fragile, and fleeting life really is… how equally powerful and eternal it is…
The beginning of our son’s life… a continuation of mine, my husbands, and all those that came before us…
A potent reminder of what matters most…
Sacred slow simplicity in an increasingly fast complex world.
I’m on a pause from actively showing up in my business & in the world at large.
Really dropping into the present moment. Trusting all that is being revealed here. The unfolding. And where it will lead me next.
Knowing that this is my greatest power as a business woman… and as a human.
Knowing that this is the true 🔑 to success… in all the ways that I define it.
Feeling more proud than ever of each past version of me that chose something more for her life. That chose to show up for creating this all when it “didn’t make sense”, when it seemed so far away, when it was all just a dream in my heart.
To be able to Be Here Now. In what matters most. Full trust. No pressure or rush to get to the next place.
There’s no greater wealth on the planet. 💎
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