Talking about $$$, abundance, etc. feels like absolute soul work / truth to my Being.
It has been suuuuuch an edge for me to step into publicly.
For two reasons.
1 – Scarcity was a core wound over here.
The feeling that there’s never enough… $, time, love, etc…
Plagued my mind-body for as long as I can remember.
The feeling of survival, scarcity felt like *who I was* on the inside.
No matter what $, love, time, etc. began to show up on the outside… no matter how good things would start to get… I’d find a way to sabotage it because the external abundance wasn’t a match for my internal beliefs/feelings about me.
My experiences in my early years had me so deeply programmed, I didn’t trust and couldn’t really receive.
Until I really went within to feel & heal, to open & expand.
The personal work I’ve done around abundance is profound.
(Way before && beyond $$$… abundance is a FEELING, a state of Being; it is not actually about what you have or don’t have. I know people with 7 figures in their accts who still feel scared, scarce, small. Abundance isn’t actually about $… and… it is. #helloduality)
The lessons I’ve learned in this area. The growth I’ve experienced. It’s outrageous. Karmic. Liberation that heals generations.
&&& I can’t not share that
Even though…
Now for reason 2 this has been such an edge for me to step into publicly…
I know I’m going to trigger the fuck out of many.
I know many will judge, criticize, whisper. Tell stories about who I am or what this all means about me.
My giant tender heart has questioned if I can handle, hold that.
And so I’m initiated into a new level of growth…
Into my power.
I’ve spent 2 decades discovering my depths… now it is time for me to allow my heights.
Remembering that I am sharing for The Ones Who will choose to rise along with me.
Knowing who I am and that I can and will hold it all. 🪞
Instagram post here