Not from a place of what is already here is small or not enough. Not from lack. Not in an attempt to fill a felt void inside of me with something outside of me.
To the contrary, life has never felt so big and full-filled and true to my soul. Abundant in all dimensions. Aligned to my unique essence, Beingness in all areas. Already full from the core of my Self, in connection with God.
I’m in no rush. I’m not seeking to fix. Everything is exactly right as it is.
I worked my ass off to get to this place in my life/biz… for literal decades… and am in a season of in-joy-ing the fruits, while planting more seeds.
I have already arrived.
As I in-joy this iteration of my Being, my Life, my Business, my Leadership, my Well-th…
I am aware of even More multidimensional places I desire to travel.
More Being. More Doing. More Having.
More Alignment. More Joy. More Beauty. More Peace. More Connection. More Service. More Well-th. More Freedom. More… ME.
My energetic orientation of More is…
Everything here now is already enough AND I have so much life force energy coursing through me to continuously create; to Be-Do-Have even more than I previously imagined possible… and so I Must!
In my experience of life, the more I experience & achieve, the more I desire to experience & achieve.
It’s never actually about how much is here or how much is materially “enough”. That’s a subjective measure and evolves as we do.
True Enoughness begins with the *choice* to energetically embody: I have everything I need because *I Am* everything I need, no matter what outside of me comes or goes.
I Am Enoughness. In essence.
And from this Enoughness, I feel called to create more. As essence.
I believe this is actually our spiritual nature when uncorrupted;
Already full, whole, complete. While forever growing, creating, Becoming More.
From the inside-out.
As astrology & energetic predictions & landscapes of the “practical” world seem to point towards Less,
I’m standing for a big, Multidimensional More. For me. My family. And anyone who desires to join me.
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