Far more than when things are flowin like woah… Most people talk about energetic alignment as a way of getting what you want. Easily. The subtext is – you know you’re aligned when you flow right into the relationship/money/etc. But that’s not it. Energetic alignment is a state of Being that is separate from and exists before/beyond the Doing & Having in your life.
You know you’re aligned when you are consistent in who you Be, in what you say you believe, in how you act… no matter what is happening. Who you choose to Be… no matter what is happening… is your energetic alignment. How you choose to move… no matter what is happening. is your energetic alignment.
True Energetic Alignment is not just = I get what I want because I’m aligned with it.
But rather
This is who I Be, no matter what I get.
^^^Which is magnetic AF.
And ultimately (ironically, but also not because #UniversalLaws) will get you more of what you want. 😉
***When the moment of material arrival is ripe. For YOUR soul. For YOUR path. On YOUR timeline.***
People seem to forget this part when in the conversation of energetic alignment & conscious co-creation.
You are co-creating (manifesting) through many forces grander than your conscious will and human mind/plans can calculate or comprehend.
Can you hold your sovereignty while surrendering to a grander plan?
Can you trust what is coming is greater than you can even cook up… and show up in alignment with that even while you are feeling allllll the feels of navigating a storm?
Can you look beneath and beyond the concrete of what is happening and see the lessons, opportunities, and gifts in the most challenging of moments?
Can you love What Is? Exactly as it is. While connecting to a higher vision.
Can you choose your alignment consistently, unconditionally?
Instagram post here