A lack of emotional intelligence to honestly gage where you are at in business and act accordingly, to persevere when things feel uncomfortable, to navigate conflict with other humans beautifully, and to engage in efficient trial and error with strategy because you’re taking everything so personally and slowing down the process.
Overthinking and not taking action to actually get desired results… then blaming it on misalignment. (Not moving mental energy into physical energy. Debating what the “best” thing to do is or looping in mindset work trying to “heal” so you “feel ready” for success. How about you fuck around and find out / grow as you go?
Locked in ego and trying to present yourself further along than where you actually are instead of just owning how epic you are in the current season of your craft and letting it build (others feel this even if just unconsciously – which is why they don’t feel safe to buy or stick around even if you are saying and doing the “right” things).
Insecure and looking to other peoples’ power to show you how to Be and what to Do… then getting salty when you can’t siphon the other person’s power && blaming/shaming the other for being wrong in their way of Being/Doing (if it doesn’t work for them). Or if it does work… any material success gained leaves you feeling soulless & still powerless & at the edge of an ego death / burn out, burn down, and rebuild cycle. Probs to blame the other for it not being sustainable too.
Lacking self awareness and personal responsibility and projecting allllll overrrr the place. On clients, coaches, peers, team members, family members, the industry you’re in as a whole. Often talking about how you were wronged and self validating the wounds that are keeping you stuck instead of just learning from what you disagree with in neutrality and moving on.
Can’t discern between internalized shame (you FEELING shame in your body when receiving information) and someone else shaming (belittling/humiliating/making your existence bad/wrong bc you don’t agree or comply)… missing opportunities for valuable (even if painful) information that could lead to intentional refinement and massive growth in your Being & in your business.
Attaching personal value and worthiness to money and material success. Interprets anything that happens financially as meaning some thing about you personally. Whether making no money a little money or a lot of money. Growth is stagnant and opportunities are missed because you can’t depersonalize and zoom out to see a bigger picture.
A shaky nervous system that can’t stay regulated amidst the pressures and response-abilities of building a business. Which affects… every area of your business.
Self Mastery is the foundational strategy of your business. Le duh smart actionable practical business strategy & measured refinement is what ultimately moves the material needle. But business strategy is so simple. Especially in the online space where there is very little barrier to entry. The execution of said strategy? Depends on your context & capacity.
Develop your Self Mastery… and let your biggest business problems be actual business problems 🫠
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