Some people lose connection with their soul through hustle. Some people strengthen it. Hustle to prove your worth (ego) is not a vibe. But neither is villainizing working your ass off. Working your ass off FOR your soul is sexy Af.
Soul hustle is inspired. Ego hustle has something to prove.
Soul hustle feels like… divinity calling you forward, the next new terrain you get to traverse, the next version of you being revealed in real time, the adventure of a lifetime continuing to unfold, your mission on this planet in full throttle, your truest self expression being revealed layer by layer by layer, the more I create the more free I feel, my relationships and health thrives even in my busiest seasons, Holy Toledo Batman I can’t believe this is my life I get to be do have all of this and it keeps growing and growing and growing… 🚀
Ego hustle feels like… adrenaline pushing you forward, single-minded-obsession-at-any-cost, lost the magic of creation to the metrics, constantly looking for external validation, comparing your milestones & timeline to others’ milestones & timelines, it’s-never-quite-enough, filling the voids of your life with work because it feels better & you feel more worthy, imbalanced relationships & health, drudgery & dread about all the MF work there is to do, but hey you have a fancy title and some gold stars for your insta bio to flex… so at least you get to Be SoMeBodY. lol.
Fear & doubt & critical inner voice nonsense still exists in soul hustle… but it doesn’t run the show.
Soul hustle isn’t always be fun. There’s still mundane shit to be done.
But your *baseline creation point* feels like… divinity, magic, I-wouldn’t-trade-this-journey-for-anything-even-on-my-worst-days, excited about the work itself because what else would you do with your life?, not living in any rules about how it has to look or feel or Be because it just Is… YOURS. Uniquely, wholly, holistically Your Own Path being paved. Not your parents, not your coaches, not the sum of different people you follow online’s, YOURS.
Your soul is on fire. Burn out isn’t even on the table. Overflow exists because that’s who you are. Evolution gets to happen without needing to burn everything down and rebuild. Because It All just compounds into more & more & more.
You get the vibe.
Fun talk.
Instagram post here