When you are embodied in what you offer. And you choose a way to offer it thats congruent with your embodiment and desires. And show up with conviction as you oller it.
Have you noticed how many different people there are who are succeeding in business using different strategies? Many who then preach that their way is THE way? And wonder who is right?
They all are.
Just pick a strategy *that feels true to you* and MOVE. You will refine as you go. 😊
It’s actually this simple, but most people complicate the fkkkk out of it because it’s easier to blame a strategy, a method, a mentor for their lack of success (or for success in a way they didn’t really want) than it is to (1) look in the mirror and own that they aren’t doing the work to really LIVE what they want to offer the world so it’s not landing in the way they want it to, and/or (2) to choose a way to offer their work that aligns with *their* embodiment and desires, and/or (3) to stand behind their work with everything they’ve got. Full send.
^^^ let this burn, it’s meant to purify.
Want to let business be as simple (not easy) as it actually is?
Stop giving your power away to other people or strategies and then blaming other people or strategies for your lack of power.
Sorry for the double burn lol. But also, you’re welcome.
Your ego needs protecting but your soul is shouting for joy.
Instagram post here