That I would never let my kid be the excuse or take the blame for my lack of success or fulfillment, but rather, the REASON I will Be, Do, Have everything I’ve ever dreamt of.
This choice has required a lot of follow up.
Creating a clear vision of how I wanted my experience of motherhood to go, updating that vision as he grew/I did too.
Clearing a lot of subconscious programming that told me it couldn’t or wouldn’t go the way I wanted. (Without getting too into it… *Mother* was jam packed with my biggest wounding, traumas, and limitations. This was a biiiiig choice & clearing for me.)
And then taking actions in alignment with my vision… especially when it touched edges of discomfort, doubt, fear, perceived limitation.
Again and again and again. <<<the real key to all embodied success.
Even as some crazy ass shit happened and I was stretched beyond what I even imagined through my second pregnancy.
I think Motherhood is very similar to Entrepreneurship in this way.
We have to not only have a clear vision of what we want, we have to have the capacity to show up for what we want, in a way that gets us where we want, how we want.
It requires… vision, tenacity, grit, devotion, discipline, willingness to stand for our vision no matter what, connection to the deeper purpose of it all that holds us steady through all storms.
Of course, embodied success in motherhood or business requires practical skills and resources.
But moreso, the resourcefulness of Self Mastery.
An ability to see the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors that are not congruent with our desires and to be able to choose something different ***in real time***, before they get a chance to sabotage our creative process.
Skillset and resources will only go as far as… you… can take them.
As far as you can see, choose, and stand for the reality you desire.
Instagram post here