What works for you will depend on what is going on for you subconsciously.
Some people aren’t aware of what they’re thinking or why so mindset work changes the game of life for them.
Some people just need to eat better, drink cleaner water, sleep better, and move their body. Like, straight up. Get. In. Your. Body. And. Out. Of. Your. Head. Spirals.
Some people have a productive mindset and are physically in their body, but are locked out of the somatic sensations of their body—that is, they could not tell you what it feels like to feel sad or happy or whatever *in their body*. They’re living in their mind and can only tell you a concept of feelings. Somatic work will flip these humans world upside down.
Some people have productive mindsets, take great care of their physical bodies, are somatically processed, but hang out in places/with people that drain the life force out of them or drag them down. And they need to clean up their environment to support them in making better choices.
Some people have no relationship with their essence. They don’t get that they are energetic beings in a physical body. Discovering energy work will bring them into another dimension.
Some people need a lil spiritual or shamanic shake up to get out of the boxxxx.
Some need their inner child to be met. Some need their shadows to get called out.
Ya get the gist?
You are multifaceted.
So is your subconscious.
Your cells have unconscious patterning. The place you live has unconscious patterning. The people you hang out with have unconscious patterning… that influences your unconscious patterning, like it or not. Your mind has unconscious patterning. Your emotions have unconscious patterning. Your energetic field has unconscious patterning. Your spirit & soul… doesn’t. But all your unconscious BS will keep you locked out of hearing the whispers of your spirit or feeling the callings of your soul.
Oh look, I’m going to contradict myself and say…
Subconscious work is THE way to heal/grow/transform/evolve.
But subconscious work encapsulates… literally every method or modality you’ve ever seen, experienced, studied. So my first statement stands. In perfect duality. 😉
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