Your past has… passed. What you really care about is how you feel about/the meaning you’re making of your past Now… and how that’s impacting what you create for your future.
Are you actually dreaming of healing your past or are you dreaming of making your life better now &&& onwards?
Focusing on healing your past will keep you loooooping in healing work for ages… wondering why you’re feeling better internally but getting your external reality to match how you think/feel seems slow or stuck.
Focusing on creating a brighter bolder future for yourself and living into that reality Now, *while willing to address & clean up any past experiences or patterns that surface as you do* will fast track you to actually living the inner & outer reality you’re dreaming of.
The energetic orientation is — living retrocausally (future to past timeline) rather than causally (past to future timeline).
The embodiment is — I happen to Life, life doesn’t happen to me 😉😎
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