I look into my babies eyes and am raptured. I cry tears of joy just to watch them as they watch life. Watching them learn and grow and develop their little personalities is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. And I know that even though there’s so much I want to do in this life… nothing I ever do will mean as much as the time I spend with them. While I have just as much ambition and drive and vision as I did before I had them (actually, probably more than before)… the execution of my ambition and drive and vision *must* fit around my life with them.
Whenever people hear this and say *must be nice* or – what a privileged position!!! I wonder… have you not heard of the internet? 🤔 Just boundless opportunities (to learn, grow, make money) available at your fingertips if you choose it. but you do you boo 🤣
Instagram post here