I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve worked with over the years who are eager (sometimes even desperate 🙃) to “reach their next level of visibility”… to be seen and known for their creative genius, for their work in the world… yet…
They be hiiiiidddiiiing. Holding back their authentic expression. Not saying the thing they actually think/feel… out of fear of being bad/wrong… out of fear of being called out or cancelled.
Not creating the offering that is their heArt’s deepest truth… or… creating it but not shouting its availability from the rooftops every day… out of fear of being bad/wrong or called out/cancelled.
That fear of being bad/wrong, called out/cancelled…
That feeling of ~no matter what I do it’s not enough~ (((very different than the natural state of evolving and wanting more from a place of creativity and abundance)))…
Those thoughts of “if they only knew how I really felt”, general worrying about being “found out”… feeling like an imposter *when what you’ve created is true and impressive AF*…
Those parts of you that you hide, out of hypervigilence around *how* people will see you… trying to control how others see you… instead of just being seen as you.
Are all rooted in shame.
Your next level of visibility… in love, business, whatever you want…
Comes from BEING more visible.
Stepping out of hiding.
Releasing yourself from the grips of shame
And into the freedom of authentic, embodied creative genius… that can’t NOT be seen
Because that shit is magnetic 🧲
Instagram post here