Who is willing to let her heArt want what it wants and who is willing to stand for what she wants with every cell of who she is until she creates it.
It’s not impossible to have it all as a mama.
Love & Legacy. Roots & Freedom. Babies & Business. Well-Being & Wealth. Deep feeling & big action. Faith & Conviction.
Sacrifice exists. But this is a good thing. Sacrifice = giving up one thing for another. Giving up superficial things that once filled time without adding more life to my Being for… things that deeply fkn matter and don’t just fill up time but add life force and havingness to me and my family and my people.
Having it all (in a way that feels better IRL than it looks online, that is true to YOUR heArt and soul) takes profound self awareness, honesty, respect, and willingness to actually do what is required to have your definition of it all.
To be willing to look at and rise above your inherited and adopted limitations and decide who you will Be and what you will create, clocking your ego and leading from heArt every step of the way, rewriting your story in real time, choosing ease even when IT’S NOT FKN EASYYYYY. Because that’s who you’ve chosen to Become. #selfmasterythings
That’s something else.
That’s the woman that can have and hold everything she dreams of.
A life that is both deeper and bigger than what she was promised or modeled as possible.
A life where she chooses the love and legacy she experiences and leaves behind. For her. For her family. For her clients. For the corners of humanity she impacts.
Casual 🪞
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