You know, the one where you always need one more process, one more practice, one more “fix” before you can Be who you want or Do/Have what you want. Always chasing the next breakthrough… instead of actually living the life you ve been working so hard to create.
When you first discovered personal growth and healing, obsessing over teachings and processes and practices was liberation. You were starting to connect the dots between how you think and feel and create your reality.
But as time went on and you moved from shifting the big obvious glaring problems in your life to working with the subtle, deeper layers of your subconscious…
Running at the same speed of obsession started to become the thing that is keeping you looping in the limitations you’re trying to break free of.
^^^read that one again.
I’ve seen it so many times over the years in the many different healing and spiritual communities I’ve been part of.
People enter looking to grow and somewhere along the way, you become hooked on figuring out your patterns and wounds and start looping in the energy of trying to fix what’s wrong with you, trying to “heal” your past. Not realizing that you are binding onto the stories of what happened to you, perpetuating them, validating “why” you can’t be/do/have what you want.
Instead of stepping into radical responsibility and wwiiiiild self belief that you can Be/Do/Have what you want now. Through the discomfort. Creating more awareness of your patterns and limitations ***in real time*** AS YOU BREAK THEM. (Yes, that was a necessary all caps moment.)
Your aha moment isn’t the breakthrough, that big experience you had in breathwork ISN’T the breakthrough… it’s the opening. The new awareness.
The breakthrough is what you actually do with that in your life.
How you see and welcome more of yourself (healing = welcoming wholeness, not fixing your broken bits)
And… how you choose to use what you now see to rise above the ways your wounding shaped your life.
This is Subconscious Self Mastery.
This is the beginning of embodying conscious Choice and creating a life that feels like your masterpiece 🎨
Instagram post here